“I HOPE to find a good job”… “I WISH I had lots of money”…
“I DREAM of meeting the perfect spouse”…
Hopes, Wishes and Dreams are like a cool summer breeze under a shade tree. They are nice to ponder, but you can never truly capture them, hold them and turn them into something that you can see, smell or touch.
There is only one way for anyone to make their hopes, wishes and dreams a reality, and that is to create such a BURNING DESIRE within oneself, that it envelopes all of your time and energy towards attracting and achieving your specific hopes, wishes and dreams.
For many of us, it can be difficult to create a positive burning desire within ourselves because of the many negative outside forces that challenge us on a daily basis.
Many of us have gone through so much turmoil that we simply do not believe that any good fortune is even remotely conceivable in our lives.
Not to mention, if our environment does not reflect signs of positive opportunity, then you might think to yourself, why even bother trying.
Well, today, I would like to offer you a plan
Before I reveal the Six-Steps to Achieve BURNING DESIRE, I am going to request something of you.
I would like for you to allow yourself the opportunity to imagine.
Imagination will be critical to creating a strong visualization of YOURSELF achieving BURNING DESIRE.
Your mind will believe anything you command it to believe, and by utilizing your imagination, you will force your mind to reveal to you, ideas and strategies, a plan if you will, that you can act upon, so that you can manifest all of your hopes, wishes and dreams.
This is real stuff!…, and it all begins, inside of your mind!
- Make Crystal Clear, in your mind, that which you desire, by pronouncing a specific statement. In other words, rather than saying, ‘I HOPE to start a good business one day’, give yourself more Power by saying, ‘I desire to create a professional web designer business that focuses on the needs of local small business owners.’ This seemingly small shift in language can make a huge difference in creating ideas and strategies to achieving your stated desire, whatever it may be for you.
- Identify Specifically what will be required of you in order to achieve your specific desire. Remember: Nothing of value or worth manifests itself without sacrifice. You must clearly identify, not only your course of action, but also, what you are prepared to sacrifice for the realization of your stated desire.
- Set a Deadline and take it seriously. By setting a specific time and date for achieving your specific desire, you will be forced to take diligent and specific action towards achieving your ultimate desire.
- Develop a Written Plan of Action for achieving your specific desire. Research, research and research some more, for the purpose of determining what it will take to start the kind of business you desire and formulate a thorough and precise plan.
- Recite Aloud Your Plan of Action. Stand in front of your mirror and, with conviction, read aloud your written plan of action. Imagine yourself, with clarity, achieving your specific desire. ‘Imagine’ your life, as it would be, achieving your specific desire.
- FINALLY, take the first action, as written in your plan of action, right now. DON’T WAIT! Whatever that action might be. Make every effort to start now and keep moving forward with the rest of your plan. DON’T STOP UNTIL YOU ACHIEVE YOUR ULTIMATE DESIRE.
If you have clearly identified your Specific Desire and follow the Six-Steps, your Inner Power will motivate you to achieve your success.
Be aware, that this is YOUR Action Plan!
If you feel that you need to make adjustments to your Action Plan as you move along, then feel free to do so, so long as you keep sharp aim towards your Specific Desire.